Andrés Sanhueza

I'm a FrontEnd Developer with a Designer background. I majored in design, taught myself how to code in Javascript, and I’ve being working as a FrontEnd dev for the past 6 years.

Employment History


Lead FrontEnd Developer (Feb 2021 - Present)

Santiago, Chile (Remote)

Developed and maintained the Cheetrack web app, a communication solution that integrates chat platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram, with sales and checkout data from Shopify. Built with ReactJS, Redux, and Material UI. It uses RESTful APIs and WebSockets to communicate with the backend.

Increased user engagement and reduced customer support burden by changing the focus to user self-service. This was achieved by working closely with the product team to gather user feedback and keeping track of user behavior. The result was a redesign of the front end of several features, and the beginning of an ongoing process of improving the user experience by reviewing the real usage of features after they are released.

Worked closely with the design and sales team on feature design, giving both my perspective as a developer as well as a designer.

Worked with the QA team to improve the testing process, implementing Sentry for error tracking and automated testing with Cypress.

Worked closely with mobile developers on the mobile app currently deployed on the App Store and Google Play. The mobile app is built with React Native and Firebase.


FrontEnd Developer (Oct 2017 - Feb 2021)

Santiago, Chile

Development and web design for the Conectter web app, a project and task management solution. Built with AngularJS, Pug/Jade for HTML templating, and SASS for CSS preprocessing. Uses RESTful APIs to communicate with the backend.

Worked closely with the backend team to develop new features and improve existing ones. Had a hand in the backend for some features using PHP and MySQL.

Participated on UX/UI field researching, conducted user testing, and user interviews. Later on, applied the findings to a redesign of the web app.


Design (2011-2015)

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago, Chile)


Javascript HTML CSS3 SASS React Redux AngularJS Material-UI Typescript Tailwind


Javier Torres (CEO at Conectter & Cheetrack) - English speaking

Felipe Vergara (CTO at Conectter & Cheetrack) - English speaking

Sergio Bustamante (Dev Ops and Lead Dev at Cheetrack) - English speaking